KM-EL® Flexible Heating Jacket and Control System


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KM-EL软式电热加热布包系将电热线, 温控开关, 及测温热电偶等排绕安装於耐高温布上, 再与软质之耐高温布及毯等材料车缝成一体, 由外层出线与控制器连接而成。

网络型温度控制器 系将温度控制,安全机制,通讯模块结合一体之温度控制器
软式烧杯加热包 电热,保温棉毯及PID温度控制器整合成一体之加热元件
KM-EL Flexible Heating Jackets

KM-EL Flexible Heating Jackets are composed of Heating element, thermostat, thermocouple, high temperature fabrics, and Insulation blanket (as an integral part by sewing) and power cable/connecting to electric controller.

KM-EL Flexible Heating Jacket (Soft-Jacketed Mantle)  